Getting A New Roof: What To Expect
We’ve completed your free roof inspection, and guess what? You have storm damage! Now you need to call your insurance company to file a claim. Why does it have to be so complicated? Getting a new roof is a different experience for every homeowner. You have to take into account the home structure and the extent of the damage. If the adjustors and the contractors aren’t weighted down with other projects, it can take around two to three months from beginning to end. However, the actual roofing install is usually a one or two-day project.
GOOD NEWS! You don’t have to maneuver through this alone. We will walk with you through the process:
contacting your insurance company
filling out paperwork
choosing a shingle color
scheduling (inspections, material deliveries, and laborers)
All new roofs are full tear-offs, all the way down to the decking. They are installed with the necessary components to be eligible for incredible enhanced manufacturer warranties, giving you the highest value possible for your new investment. The day your roof is installed is the most important day in the life of your roof. But what does the roof replacement process actually look like?
The first step to your roof replacement is getting all the roofing materials delivered to your home. Your roofing contractor will talk with you prior to delivery day to work out the best spot for all the roofing materials. Then your local roofing contractor arrives on the day of your replacement and makes sure all the vehicles are moved out of your driveway or garage. The homeowner will need to relocate cars and recreational vehicles a safe distance from the structure. This is to protect your property and keep you from being trapped in your home while your roof is being replaced.
When beginning any construction project, it is vital to maintain the landscaping and decor surrounding the home as well as any of the homeowners belongings. After making sure everything is clear for them to start, they’ll start setting up protection for your property and begin the tear-off process. Pool covers, tarps, and plywood are examples of materials used to protect your property.
The saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” is very true in the roofing industry. Some homes have decking that is beautiful and can be reused, other homes not so much. We cannot know what is under the existing roof until we pull off each layer to observe the full extent of the damage and remove the material as necessary. Now that the old roof is removed, it’s time to start laying the new one. There are special techniques used to install a full roofing system correctly.
Once your new roof is properly installed, the install team and your contractor will clean up your property and inspect your new roof to ensure the workmanship reaches the high standards we set and you expect. Debris is loaded into a dumpster or trailer for disposal, then a magnetic roller may be used to locate and remove metal debris, such as nails and bits of flashing, that are otherwise impossible to see. What is left is a product that is warranted and will remain beautiful for years to come.
It is important to remember that during a roof installation your home is a construction site and sometimes, things do go wrong. Give a local roofing contractor a call if you have any questions or for more information about help you need with your roofing project.